2009 Uniform Plumbing Code eBook

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The 2009 edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC©) represents the most current approaches in the plumbing field.  It is the third edition developed under the ANSI Consensus process is designated as an American National Standards by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Contributions to the content of this code were made by every segment of the built industry, including such diverse interests as consumers, enforcing authorities, installers/maintainers, labor, manufacturers, research/standards/ testing laboratories, special experts and users. The UPC is designed to provide consumers with safe and sanitary plumbing systems while, at the same time, allowing latitude for innovation and new technologies. Key changes to the 2009 UPC include new requirements for the installation of nonwater urinals, new requirements for distribution of hot water and updates and revisions to the identification of potable and nonpotable water systems. This convenient, bookmarked ebook is fully indexed, hyperlinked, searchable, and available with the click of a mouse. No more bulky books and torn or missing pages.